Online Meditation Mantra Training


I offer a 3-part, on-line presentation outlining history, theory and practice, based on a blend of Vipassana, TM (Transcendental meditation practices) and Vedanta meditation practices.

This is followed by a private ritual ceremony (each person on the call has their own break out and private session with me), where I present you with your mantra, the sound the universe made when you were born.

There are two followup sessions of an hour to an hour-and-a-half each. The first session asks how your practice is going, and answers whatever questions you have, then I give a presentation about best practices. The second session covers higher states of consciousness such as an increased sense of synchronicity, feeling at one with everything, and expanded states of awareness. I help situate you in your experience, as well as elucidating what's possible for us all.


1) I will need your full name, address, date and time of birth, as well as city and country

2) Click here to pay and secure your spot.  

3) Further details will follow registration~

It's a great way to fall in love with and/or enhance your practice!

How much does it cost? $199.00