Michael Barry, The Forgiveness Project

Why don't we forgive when we know we "should"...and how can we experience the lightness of true forgiveness? Illness can eat away at us if we are already stressed out with thoughts and feelings of anger, victimhood, or revenge. Rev. Dr. Michael Barry is the Director of Pastoral Care, Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Philadelphia, and in this candid interview he lays out just how we can release the healing power of forgiveness for our own healing, and everybody else's. Tune in to find out how to heal ourselves, and how forgiveness has a generational impact. We can break the family patterns! 

Learn more: releasenow.org

David Bedrick, Talking Back to Dr. Phil's Pop Psychology

Are you feeling that popular psychology leaves you ashamed about how ugly you are in whatever way, and ineffective at following their advice on how to change? You've tried dieting (or to overcome your anxiety or depression, or bad marriage) and still end up in the same place.

Counselor, educator, and attorney David Bedrick says there is a better way, one guided by love and deeper spiritual meaning, rather than the unconscious bias of a culture prone to normalization. Using America’s most popular therapist as a barometer of our age, Bedrick shines a light on the path of loving kindness that helps us let go of the shame we carry and learn how to treasure those things we least accept about ourselves. Move past quick-fix, pop-culture answers to psychological wounds to deep, emotional healing for you, and all of us.

Learn more about David Bedrick: davidbedrick.com