What if you just let go? Let it all go? All your attachments: your life as you know it, your identity, what you think of other people, of what other people think of you? All the people, places, things, thoughts, feelings,
7th of 7 essential truths: Pray for guidance
6th of 7 essential truths: Keep your eye on the ball ~ your life purpose
How will I know when someone is telling me the truth?
Got friends?
Date and mate like you're rich, for free!
4 useful questions to ask when confronted by "The Pink Elephant"
Can you have too many friends?
I have wanted to write this blog for weeks, its answer pressing on me as I sit sneezing, coughing, achy, stuffy head, Kleenex feverishly strewn about in a trail from my bed to my computer. So I sit Indian style in my favorite jammies, gurgling, nursing my tea, missing dancing with my beloved friends this Sunday morning, torn between caring for myself and showing up for the rest of life.
The last 5 of 10 tips for combating the High-Maintenance Blues, + bonus!
6) Be a conscious ROLE MODEL.What are we saying to our girls? This is a tough reality but well worth looking at. And what are we saying to our young men? That women are objects, that men should like this fake version versus the real? Did our mothers teach us nothing, did our grandmothers and sisters and all the women who fought for our freedom not teach us that we are enough? All I am saying is, be clear about one thing; they are not only watching, but